It's a mixed bag this week, featuring Twitter-serialised fiction, a Photoshop time-saver, mutual unsuspecting portraits, magic numbers and a rollercoaster zoom through Barcelona.
Tools: QuickGuide makes Photoshop guides quicker and easier to work with
Working with guides in Photoshop just got a few welcome shortcuts in this plugin that adds a panel to the application, with one-click buttons to add guides based on the current layer/selection, copy-and-paste them between documents, or simply clear the existing guides in the document.
Reading: David Mitchell's Twitter story
In the build-up to the release of David Mitchell's new book, he's written a short story set in the same universe, serialised on Twitter. Yes, it's a gimmick, but it's interesting seeing the narrative pop up in my timeline and keeping up with it in short bursts interpersed with the usual GIFs, clickbait and breaking news. Four days in, the plot has me intrigued.
Video: Spectacular high-speed timelapse tour of Barcelona
Fast and surreal, this hyperlapse tour of Barcelona zooms and pans and swoops through the city at an exhilarating pace. Have a look at the maker's notes on the production (26014 Camera RAW files, 817GB!)
Photography Two photographers inadvertently appear in each other's shots
Cameras everywhere and ubiquitous capture meet global village shrinking world. Two strangers snap photos in India in which each unknowingly appears in the other's background, and somehow figure it out years later.
Audio: For the Love of Numbers
A project that's occupied much of the last few months has had me spending lots of time reading and thinking about numbers and their relationships, especially with regard to typography and the layout of ancient texts. A recent Radiolab episode explores the idea of numbers and our built-in biases for some numbers over others. As with anything from the Radiolab guys, it's a great listen.